The Collector

This May marks the two year anniversary of the creation of my 3D short film “The Collector” and what a truly remarkable two years it has been. So much has happened in this two year span that I find it hard to fathom.

Since then I have worked on a collaborative animation project through CNA with Global Mechanic in Vancouver, titled “Impromptu”. How lucky I was to have the opportunity to work with such truly talented people on such an innovative piece of art animation.

I’ve also been fortunate enough to have “The Collector” shown around the world! As close to home as Toronto and as far away as Macedonia, Greece! I’m humbled that so many people enjoy my work and chose to show it at their film festivals. I am still waiting to hear back from The Nickel Film Festival here in St. Johns, hopefully The Collector gets accepted into their lineup and I am able to view it being screened on my home soil.

I managed to get offered a job at GRI Simulations out of college doing marine ROV simulation development for the oil and gas industry and private sector.  It’s great work and I love doing it.

All of this self reflection makes me wonder what the future may hold, only time can tell.